Saturday, May 12, 2007

More boring than daring but at least I did it!

Well, I'd better stop this Office talk and get down to real business. Where are all the grand experiences of the daring Porter sisters? I was hoping that mine would be boring in comparison.

I went to Kadee's birthday party on Wednesday wearing a lovely old man hat rescued from an abandoned storage unit. There were several people from our ward there as well as Kadee and Trudie of course. Before I even reached the party a young college student looked at me like I was a nerd (that might have had nothing to do with the hat) so I knew I was looking good.

I discovered that the best time to gauge how people feel about how you look is the very first moment they see you. It was just kind of uncomfortable and one lady said she didn't recognize me. Of course I was just kind of uncomfortable the whole time but I guess that's how you feel when you aren't being yourself. So nothing too exciting. Maybe I'll try wearing a tank top and mini-skirt to church tomorrow. Do you think they would still let me lead the music in Sacrament Meeting?

PS. Sorry I don't have a picture of the old man hat.

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